Friday, January 16, 2015

~~Review~~ Protecting Alabama by Susan Stoker

Title: Protecting Alabama (SEAL Of Protection #2)
Author: Susan Stoker
Publisher: Self Published
Published Date: October 31, 2014
Genre: Romance/Military
Page Count: 258

**Protecting Alabama is a stand-alone love story. It’s Book 2 in the SEAL of Protection Series.** 

Alabama didn’t have a good start to life. Emotionally and physically abused by her mama, Alabama spent her high school years in foster care. People let her down, time after time, and she’d learned to rely on only herself. 

Christopher “Abe” Powers earned his nickname because he tolerated nothing less than absolute honesty from the people around him. Finding the bar scene stale and having watched his friend and teammate, Wolf, find the woman of his dreams, Abe was determined to find someone to share his life with too. 

Alabama and Abe had no idea their paths would cross and their prayers would be answered, but like most things in life, nothing is ever as easy as it seems at first. Two words would change both their lives and they’d have to fight hard for their happy ever after. 

Protecting Alabama is by far my favorite book from Susan Stoker. We follow Alabama from her tortured childhood at the hands of her mother. The way she was treated as a child will leave you cringing. We finally meet her as an adult. She has struggled hard to rise above her past and become an independent woman. Kudos to her. Alabama as a character is skittish and a loner. She seems to prefer her life that away because she is fearful of being her again. At the same time she has grown as a person who can stand up for herself and is willing to put herself in harm’s way to help others. This is where she meets Abe.
Abe is a character that expects honesty from everyone. He values it. Hints his nickname Abe for Honest Abe. Abe is great for Alabama. He is protective of her and shows her that she is truly worthy of love and affection. He brings out a side of her that she never knew existed. I loved Abe’s character until his “honesty above all else” mentality got in the way. He sees things only one way and refuses to understand that he could be wrong. Poor Abe, didn’t realize that men are not right all the time. =)
Stoker pours the emotion into this book. You can feel what Alabama is feeling. It jumps off the page. You feel very empathetic for her character. Not many books make you feel the characters pain, heartbreak and happiness. This one is definitely one of the good ones. There is a letter that Alabama’s character writes that will have you balling like a baby.
If you are looking for an emotional romance, pick this book up. You will not be disappointed.

5 out of 5 Stars!!!!

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