Saturday, March 12, 2016

~*~ 5 Star Must Read ~*~ Justice For Corrie by Susan Stoker

Title: Justice For Corrie
Series: Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 3
Author: Susan Stoker
Publisher: Stoker Aces Production LLC
Published Date: March 8, 2016
Genre: Romance/Military/Suspense
Page Count: 286

Book Description:

Blind since birth, Corrie Madison relies on her other sharpened senses in her job as a chiropractor. Never did she imagine she’d have to depend on them to identify a killer. But when a man enters her practice, murdering everyone in his path, Corrie is the only witness—putting her directly in the killer’s crosshairs. 

Officer Quint Axton wasn’t looking for love, or even a relationship, until he meets Corrie. Beautiful and brave, resilient and intelligent, she’s everything Quint wants—if he can keep her alive long enough to explore their mutual attraction. The threats on Corrie’s life are escalating. Surely a blind person is helpless against a ruthless killer? 

Hardly. Corrie is about to prove that disabled does not equal defenseless. 

My Review:

Susan Stoker, the Queen of Military Romance, is at it again. This time she is bringing us a story from her Badge of Honor series. She has tackled storylines where heroines were kidnapped, assaulted, dealt with childhood issues and such. Now we have a heroine who is blind. It's not that big of a deal but Stoker is known for having some independent lead females. It makes you wonder how she would work this story. She does it beautifully, that's how she does it. She paints Corrie as an independent woman but doesn't over do it. Sure she can do things on her own, thanks to her parents and some cool technology. But she does know when to let people help, like when the handsome Quint wants to help out.

Like all of the author's books, the female lead is put into a situation that is life threatening. This time it is one that seems to be out of the headlines. Corrie happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, work. A madman comes in on one random day and shoots up the place. Thanks to her quick thinking, Corrie is able to hide and save her life. Everything that happens this day throws her headfirst into a situation she doesn't want and directly into Quint's arms. A romance forms and Corrie finds that she has something more to fight for, her love for Quint.

Quint is the kind of hero that you hope author would create. He is sensitive and kind but can be a total alpha male if need be. He is a perfect match for Corrie. He knows when to reign in the alphaness and let her take the lead. Characters that are written so well for each make for such an amazing read.

When reading Stoker's books, you can tell she takes her job seriously. She does her research and gives the reader the best information in each book. Sure she could do a half job that still gives the reader an entertaining book but she takes it to the next level. It's much appreciated. Stoker's writing has evolved since her first book. Every book she publishes is better than the last. In a genre where storylines can become tiresome and predictable, she has found a way to keep the reader entertained and pull in new fans.

This book and series are worth reading. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading one of her books, pick this one up today. You'll be addicted. 

My Rating:
5 out of 5 Stars!!

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Other Books In The Series

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New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Texas where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She's married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.

She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection Series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in. 

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